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Oceamo ICP-MS analysis being up to 10,000 times more sensitive in the lower detection limits and tests even more than their Oceamo ICP-OES analysis

With Oceamo’s new ICP-MS service, only now can we be up to 10,000 times more accurate in the lower detection limits. This is only possible due to OCEAMO’s new Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) machine. OCEAMO can now test for more elements than ever before. Now we're not talking about the easy major elements here, no, but the real important stuff to Reef keepers, the stuff we simply can’t test for reliably or accurately using standard ICP-OES.

We thought for a long time that ICP-OES analyses were reporting back with high sensitivity in the lower detection limits of micro trace elements and inorganic pollutants. It turns out that it could never do this and would only detect these, if they were already in a far too higher concentration and if it wasn't detected because of the detection limits of standard ICP-OES being quite poor on many, then it would be shown as ZERO on your analysis and kind of misleading! Of course, then unbeknown to us as reef keeper’s we would of course act upon this and add the elements shown as zero on the analysis and then be potentially elevating these to a dangerous high level, because it was beyond the reaches of detection by the standard ICP-OES test!!!

With Oceamo’s new MASS SPECTROMETRY ICP-MS analysis, we can now detect the concentration of micro elements and inorganic pollutants with up to 10,000 times more sensitivity than ICP-OES. We can now reliably identify those limiting factors in your Reef Aquarium or emerging inorganic metals by giving you so much more sensitivity for detecting them with the ICP-MS machine.

Just one of many examples with the new OCEAMO ICP-MS analysis is Selenium. Selenium could not be measured using ICP-OES in the relevant range (only if significantly and dangerously elevated).
This Element is biologically important, but the accurate concentration value in reef tanks was not known and some ICP-OES companies would actually recommend dosing it from their range!!
Now with Oceamo’s ICP-MS analysis it can accurately detect the selenium concentration, and where needed this can now be safely added to Reef aquariums, seeing positive effects to this dosing with the ICP-MS sensitivity.
The same is true for many other trace elements: Too low concentrations can now be diagnosed and corrected, which is not possible with standard ICP-OES.

It’s only ICP-MS that can detect these very low sensitivities, whereas any standard ICP-OES simply can’t. The same applies to inorganic pollutants, the Oceamo ICP-MS is going to detect these long before any standard ICP-OES analysis could.

Only with an Oceamo ICP-MS analysis can we now test and detect Neodymium: Never heard of it before? So, what is this element and why is it relevant in reef keeping? Neodymium is one of the “rare earths” and the main application of this metal is the production of the extremely strong permanent magnets (neodymium-iron-boron magnets which are also used in aquariums, pumps, holders, magnet cleaners, frag racks etc. An increased neodymium content almost always indicates corrosion in a magnet. There are a number of studies on the toxicology of neodymium that have been published in specialist journals. This example describes how neodymium accumulates in mussels and triggers metabolic reactions, such as oxidative stress there. Therefore, increases of neodymium should definitely be avoided and only now can we detect it only by ICP-MS

OCEAMO ICP-MS detection limit for neodymium is ~ 0.015 µg/l, so reliable detection is possible even at very low concentrations. Only Oceamo offer this particular ICP-MS analysis service with a unique methodology applied and verified. This service of course costs more than a standard ICP-OES, but what really is your ICP-OES telling you over what now an ICP-MS analysis can offer. Nowadays it’s all about the micro elements and inorganic pollutants that we need to be detecting with high sensitivity, finally we have this with OCEAMO ICP-MS service.