The Cleaner Shrimp are larger shrimps and can be easily identified by the single white stripe down the back from head to tail, and flanked by two red stripes that terminate at its posterior region. the remaining body is orange in color with two white dots at the top edge, along with six white antennae. The Cleaner Shrimp, as the name suggests, is mainly known for its cleaning property, as it can clean parasites from fish and eels, and even the mouth of a large Grouper. The Cleaner Shrimp sheds its exoskeleton and undergo molting process. It does become very vulnerable and needs iodine supplement periodically which encourages them to shed their exoskeleton. They are very peaceful and can be kept with their own species and they don?t harm other inhabitants. The Cleaner Shrimp belongs to the class Crustacea and order Decapoda, which is characterized by two pair of antennae, three body parts, and five pairs of legs. The Cleaner Shrimp features long stiff antennae through which it feeds, catches, and tears apart with their pincers. It has extended eyes and highly developed abdomen which allows for quick movement.